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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16316897 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16316897

摘  要

Water supply and drainage design for a high-rise residential building
This design is for a high-rise commercial building water supply and drainage design, mainly including domestic water supply system, hydrant water supply system, automatic sprinkler system, domestic drainage system and building rainwater drainage system five systems.
The water supply system is divided into vertical zones, and the first and second floors are low zones, which are directly supplied by the municipal pipe network. Floors 3 to 11 are high, with variable frequency pressurized water supply. The water supply is up and down, and the inverter speed regulating pump supplies water directly to the high area pipe network. Indoor life gives conduit material to choose plastic pipe.
The indoor drainage of the building adopts the combined system of sewage and waste water, and the outdoor drainage adopts the separate system of rain and sewage. More than ±0.000 indoor gravity waste water gravity discharged into the outdoor sewer, underground sewage and sewage using a submersible sewage pump to the outdoor sewage pipe, drainage riser mainly adopts ceiling ventilation and special ventilation riser ventilation, some of the riser requires side wall Ventilation, The drainage pipe adopts the special plastic pipe for drainage; rain on the roof using gravity flow rainwater bucket, outside the drainage line to the outdoor rainwater pipe network. The rain water pipe uses U-PVC pipe.
According to the specification, the architecture for the mass, belongs to the second building, fire danger rating for dangerous grade I, in the negative a layer of underground garage for dangerous Ⅱ level. Fire hydrant system, automatic sprinkler system is not divided, fire hydrant pipe use common galvanized steel pipe, spray pipe use hot dip galvanized steel pipe.
Keywords: water supply system; Drainage system; Fire protection system; Flowing system.


第一部分 设计方案比选    1
第一章 建筑给水系统    1
1.1.1给水方式选择原则    1
1.1.2给水方式的选择    1
第二章 建筑排水系统    2
1.2.1排水系统的基本组成和要求    2
1.2.2排水系统的类型    2
1.2.3排水系统的选择    3
第三章 建筑消防系统    3
1.3.1消火栓系统给水方式的选择    3
1.3.2、自动喷水灭火系统的初步确定    4
第四章 雨水排水系统    4
第二部分 设计方案说明    5
第一章 给水工程    5
第二章 排水工程    5
第三章 消防给水    5
第四章 管道的平面布置及管材    6
第三部分 设计计算    7
第一章 室内给水系统的计算    7
3.1.1给水用水定额及时变化系数    7
3.1.2最高日用水量    7
3.1.3最高日最大时用水量    7
3.1.4生活给水管道水头损失计算依据    8
3.1.5设计秒流量    8
3.1.6增压设备    17
3.1.7地下室内贮水池容积    18
3.1.8减压设备    19
第二章 室内消火栓给水系统的计算    20
3.2.1消火栓的布置    20
3.2.2水枪喷嘴处所需的水压    20
3.2.3水枪喷嘴的出流量    21
3.2.4水带阻力    21
3.2.5消火栓口所需水压    21
3.2.6消火栓减压计算    26
3.2.7水泵接合器    28
3.2.8消防水箱    28
3.2.9消防贮水池    30
3.2.10室外消火栓布置    30
第三章 自动喷水灭火系统的计算    32
3.3.1自动喷淋灭火系统的基本参数    32
3.3.2管道与报警阀布置    32
3.3.3喷淋的选用与布置    33
3.3.4喷头的布置间距    33
3.3.5系统的设计流量    34
3.3.6各个防火分区水力计算    34
3.3.7校核    40
3.3.8增压设备    41
3.3.9喷淋减压孔板计算    42
第四章 建筑内部排水系统的计算    44
3.4.1计算公式及参数    44
3.4.2排水支管和横干管的计算    44
3.4.3立管计算    48
3.4.4排水横干管的计算    48
3.4.5通气立管的计算    49
3.4.6污水提升    49
3.4.7化粪池的计算    49
第五章 建筑雨水排水系统的计算    52
3.5.1屋面雨水排水系统的分类    52
3.5.2屋面雨水排水系统的组成    52
3.5.3管道的布置与敷设    52
3.5.4设计暴雨强度    53
3.5.5汇水面积    53
3.5.6立管布置及汇水面积的划分    53
3.5.7雨水量计算    54
3.5.8管材计算及选用    55
结论    56
参考文献    57
致谢    58
