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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK1638229 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK1638229

摘    要

景德镇自古以来便 有“景德瓷,万国来求”之美誉。而今景德镇的陶瓷产业已经步入必须进行重大产业结构调整的时期,面对日益壮大的潮州日用陶瓷产业,品种众多的醴陵陶瓷产业,佛山、淄博建筑卫生等陶瓷产业,景德镇陶瓷产业究竟何去何从,这是一个摆在景德镇陶瓷企业面前的一个十分现实的问题,因此也面临着一场前所未有的经济战略挑战。本文通过对景德镇陶瓷产业在国内的竞争地位及与全国其它陶瓷主产区的优劣势比较,旨在深入了解,分析景德镇陶瓷产业的现状并提出相应对策,从而为景德镇陶瓷产业的发展尽一份绵薄之力。

【关键词】陶瓷产业 经济战略 结构调整


Since ancient times, the Jingdezhen porcelain has the honor of "Jingde porcelain, thousands of State to ask for". Now Jingdezhen ceramics industry has entered into a significant period of readjustment of the industrial structure. Facing the growing Chaozhou ceramics industry and the ceramics industry in Liling, Foshan, Zibo construction and sanitary chinaware, Jingdezhen Ceramic Industry is on the cross. This is a unprecedented challenges of business strategy. This paper based on Jingdezhen Ceramic Industry history review and comparative analysis with the other ceramics producing areas, aimed at the in-depth understanding and analysis of the Jingdezhen Ceramic Industry Status and corresponding strategic. Wish to make out contribution to the development of Jingdezhen Ceramics.

【Key Words】Ceramic Industry; Business strategy ; Btructure readjustm

目  录
1  引言    - 2 -
2  景德镇陶瓷业在国内的竞争地位    - 2 -
2.1千年瓷都名声远扬    - 2 -
2.2新中国景德镇陶瓷的经济地位    - 2 -
2.3改革开放后景德镇陶瓷产业地位不断下降    - 3 -
3 景德镇与全国其它陶瓷主产区竞争的优劣势比较    - 3 -
3.1景德镇陶瓷产业竞争的优势    - 3 -
3.2景德镇陶瓷产业竞争的劣势    - 5 -
4  做大做强景德镇陶瓷产业的对策建议    - 7 -
4.1加大政府扶持力度,鼓励投资    - 8 -
4.2鼓励民营企业做大做强    - 8 -
4.3推进技术创新,树立品牌意识    - 8 -
4.4鼓励陶瓷出口,优化陶瓷销售方式    - 9 -
参考文献    - 12 -
致谢词    - 13 -
