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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16313999 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16313999

摘  要 随着社会的发展,人们对于网络的要求越来越高。如何在各种复杂地理环境下完成无处不在的移动宽带覆盖,提高单位面积下的容量成了4G网络下新的室内分布系统所面临的问题。作为新一代室内分布系统,无线点系统(RDS)可以解决现在存在的问题。由于新型室内分布系统的优点明显,我选此系统设计假日酒店4G网络室内覆盖。在获取酒店的路由图和平面图后,根据酒店实际情况来布放天线和IRU,并使用CAD将设计方案呈现出来。在布放好天线后,进行信号测试并对不良结果进行分析和优化。
关键词 4G网络;  室内分布系统;  室内覆盖设计

Indoor coverage design of 4G network based on micro ststion
Abstract  With the development of society, people have higher and higher requirements for Internet. How to achieve ubiquitous mobile broadband coverage in a variety of complex geographical environments and improve the capacity per unit area has become a problem faced by the new indoor distribution system under the 4G network. As a new generation of indoor distribution system, wireless point system (RDS) can solve the existing problems. Due to the advantages of the new room points, this system is chosen to design 4G network indoor coverage for holiday hotel. After obtaining the hotel routing map and floor plan, according to the actual circumstance of the hotel are laid antenna and IRU. CAD is used to design scheme. After the antenna is laid out, the signal is tested and the results are analyzed and optimized.
Keywords  4G network;  Indoor distribution system;  Indoor coverage design


目    录
摘要及关键词    1
1 绪论    1
2 基站    2
2.1 基站的分类    2
2.2 基站天线    3
3 4G网络下新型室内无线解决方案—点系统    4
3.1 传统室内分布系统所面临的挑战    4
3.2 点系统(RDS)的介绍    5
3.3 传统室内分布系统与新型室内分布系统的区别    7
3.4 点系统(RDS)的应用场景    9
4 假日酒店室内覆盖设计    10
4.1 假日酒店现状    10
4.2 假日酒店室内覆盖设计内容    10
4.3 假日酒店设计方案    12
4.4 假日酒店安装测试    14
4.5 设计小结    15
5 结论    16
参考文献    16
致谢    18
