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来源:wenku163.com  资料编号:WK16315279 资料等级:★★★★★ %E8%B5%84%E6%96%99%E7%BC%96%E5%8F%B7%EF%BC%9AWK16315279


Design lifting stage system (hydraulic)
Design of hydraulic lifting stage , firstly, I made the brief introductionon the hydraulic lifting stage; followed by analysis of the basic structure and process parameters of the hydraulic lifting platform, draw a diagram of mechanism, the stage plane by checkered steel,and the size is9m×3m×20mm, scissors supports, the demonstration of the lifting process and according to the calculation of three operation stage (fast rise, rises at a constant speed, decreased the load, calculate the hydraulic cylinder at various stages of work pressure, input flow and power,and calculate the cylinder, piston, piston rod of the related parameters. Select the hydraulic circuit design schematic diagram of hydraulic system, according to the schematic diagram of the parameter calculation and selection of the hydraulic components and the final selection of the TB1-50 type hydraulic pump, Y180L-6 type motor, DBDS6G10 type relief valve, LF-B10H throttle valve and 4WE5E6.0 type three bit four-way change valve, and then in the properties of the selected hydraulic lift stage are the necessary calculation, when checking of qualified, and then design a hydraulic lift stage schematic diagram corresponding to the electrical control diagram,and make the detailed analysis.
At present, the hydraulic lift stage is the direction of long distance moving, high speed, low friction. In recent years, the hydraulic lift stage design, manufacturing and application, compared to the domestic and foreign advanced level there are still a big gap, the domestic in the design of manufacturing process of hydraulic lift stage, there are still a lot of problems, so we need to improve a lot of places.
Key words: hydraulic lifting stage, stage structure, hydraulic system, electrical system


摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 引言    1
1.1 国内液压升降的发展状况    1
1.1.1液压升降舞台的发展背景    1
1.1.2 升降舞台的发展现状    1
1.1.3 升降舞台发展方向    1
1.1.4 升降舞台制造存在的问题    1
1.2液压技术的运用与特点    2
1.2.1液压技术的运用    2
1.2.2液压传动的特点    2
第二章 设计任务    3
第三章 液压升降舞台结构分析与设计    4
3 .1升降舞台的简介    4
3.2 升降舞台的初步方案    4
3.2.1升降台机构的设计    4
第四章 升降舞台液压系统设计    7
4.1升降舞台升降部分的设计    7
4.1.1 确定液压系统的工作要求    7
4.2.3确定液压缸的主要参数    8
4.2液压回路的选择    12
4.2.1确定油路方式    12
4.2.2其他回路的分析    14
4.3升降舞台液压系统工作原理图的确定和分析    15
4.3.1升降舞台液压系统工作原理图    15
4.3.2液压系统组成及工作原理    16
4.4液压元件的选择    17
4.4.1液压泵及电动机的选择    17
4.4.2液压阀的选择    18
4.4.3流量控制阀    20
4.4.4 方向控制阀    21
4.4.5其它辅助元件的确定    22
4.5系统压力损失计算以及压力的调整    25
4.6液压元件的连接    26
第五章 电气控制回路的设计    27
5.1液压和电气控制系统    27
5.2操作控制面板的设计    28
结语    30
参考文献    31
致谢    33
